lalita larking

An obsession with cryptic crosswords. Everything else falls in place.

Location: Kolkata, India

Monday, November 26, 2007


Readers of Larking ought to give heartfelt thanks to The Telegraph, Calcutta. Really, I mean it. There I was, thinking through a serious post about how global warming relegated more serious issues and crises to the backburners.

I was going to tell you that overpopulation is a major worry in our present resource-starved world, and how governments are ignoring it. I had done research, come to conclusions and thought of solutions.

I was going to tell you that colonising space, mining the solar system are urgent needs of the day. I was going to tell you how world governments should pass fertility laws and control birthrates, how these laws should be enforced. I was going to tell you that reproducing should not be a right, but an earned privilege; that people with inherited diseases, incurable disorders mustn't be permitted to pass their genes on. I was going to tell you what problems might arise in implementing these laws and how to solve them.

I was going to rant about how we have plundered the planet and are edging close to a violent end, and how it would be a good riddance- there would arise other species that can thrive in the havoc we've wrought on the world; Earth goes on regardless. I was going to tell you that HIV and avian flu are nature's way of fighting back and ridding herself of pesky humans.

But The Telegraph came to your rescue.

In August I wrote about post ideas and how they are forgotten even if jotted down, and mentioned a post I was going to do on earworms. They must have read that. In September I wrote a guest post on SelAm, and talked about advertising jingles and earworms. They must have read that too.

They must have done the same research I did too, to quote James Kellaris. Well, we can all Google. Their supplement t2 doesn't seem to be available online. The paper version has a last page very wittily called Backpage, which has a feature, Funspace. They don't believe in spaces, clearly.

Today's Backpage and Funspace carried an article with the headline "Always on my mind" about earworms, quoting Kellaris' research. About earworms and advertising jingles, snatches of music that lodge themselves into the brain and refuse to vacate; ring tones, even though I think that is rather improbable.

What Missus Em thought three months ago, The Telegraph considers today. I rather expect they will carry an article about imposing fertility laws and controlling population in three months' time.

Somebody in their offices obviously follows my blog.



Blogger Ravages/CC said...

The last wouldn't be surprising.

10:18 am  
Blogger Sivaram Pothukuchi said...

why earworms, in preference to woodworms - who can write the history of the world in 10 1/2 chapters ?
Unfair, it seems to me.

10:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were going to argue for regulated birth rates? Fertility laws? That's not your style, Lali. I am not surprised somebody at Telegraph reads you. They use blogs a lot.

11:58 am  
Blogger Lalita said...

CC- :) I know, The Telegraph cites bloggers, without giving URLs, I might add, a lot. But why would they read Missus Em? They stopped carrying Guardian crosswords a long time ago, and that is what a I rave about mostly.

Sivaram- I am not sure I understand. Explain, please.

Ash- I didn't know I had a style. And yes, I'd argue for licensed reproduction, culling out diseases and more. We are running out of resources fast.

12:52 pm  
Blogger Rimi said...

My mind is being similarly plundered! I thought of plump women in the Indian entertainment indutsry. Two weeks later, The Telegraph dedicated an issue to it. I thought of doing a post on the mishti-makers of Calcutta. The supplement dealing with North Calcutta covered it. Recently, I wanted to do a post on shawls and stoles and how I have associations with them. Two days later, they ran an article on stoles.

I'm considering consulting an astrolger and getting a ring to stop this automatic connection I seem to have with them, I tell you.


8:32 pm  
Blogger Lalita said...

Rimi- Princess, tell me if the ring works. But I do dislike the fact that what we bloggers think of gets passed off as snippets in their supplements; with no acknowledgment or attribution, I must say.

Short of stopping my paperboy from delivering The Telegraph and subscribing to Hindustan Times or Asian Age, I see no solution, sigh. They do have a decent crossword, after all.

10:23 pm  
Blogger dipali said...

Lali, they do say that great minds think alike! Or maybe they just find you inspiring. Strange how they are similarly inspired by Rimi's thoughts.
Very often what my husband and I are discussing- and it can be anything- is featured in the newspaper within a few days of our thinking it. Really strange-surely it can't all be sheer coincidence.

12:34 am  
Blogger Sivaram Pothukuchi said...

Oops ! I was too elliptical for my own good !
I refer to the work of Jules Barnes:

10:45 am  
Blogger Lalita said...

Dipali- Willie Garvin called it the flux, same ideas or themes turning up everywhere all of a sudden, but it is more fun to theorise that they read me. But Rimi's case is strange, as she only thought about the posts, not actually posted them. Definitely seems like telepathic plagiarism. :-) Ditto, your conversations with your husband appearing as features.

Sivaram- Ah, it gets clearer now. Strange narrator to have. Thanks for the link.

2:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Telepathic Plagiarism" ..luv the word

1:11 am  
Blogger Lalita said...

Phaedrus- :-)

6:45 am  

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